Instead of an in-person meeting of several days, our assembly will be organized throughout the year 2021, with particular intensity from September to December. This process will conclude with the final online meeting on 11 and 12 December 2021. This new formula does not allow for physical meetings, but it will offer more time for exchange and maturation of reflection. We hope that there will be a chance for an in-person celebration in 2022 to end the Centenary Year.
But the formula has to be invented, and we would like to do this with all the representatives of the member movements of ICMICA. As a preliminary step, we need the names of the main contact person or persons for us to communicate with in the coming months from each movement/organization. Member movements/federations may submit more than one contact. Please select a member to be your main contact and others who will be involved in this process this year by filling in the registration form (One registration form per person).
We hope to design an interactive and synodal process that can address the realities facing Catholic professionals and intellectuals today and consider how Pax Romana can respond in the future. We wish to make this year 2021 a beautiful experience of world community life.

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Questions and Comments
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THE PARTICIPATION AND CONTRIBUTION OF LAY MOVEMENTS TO BUILDING UP A SYNODAL CHURCH Pax Romana ICMICA-IMCS Sunday, June 19th, 9 am EST Download document below Juan Miguel Pax Romana-Lay Movements and Synodal Church (2) [...]
Caminar junto con la comunidad eclesial marca la historia de Pax Romana.
Reporte final enviado a la Secretaría del Sínodo. Vaticano synodus@synod.va Resultado de la reflexión y sistematización de respuestas al cuestionario enviado al conjunto de los movimientos de estudiantes (MIEC-IMCS) y de profesionales e intelectuales [...]
Realizing the synod fruits
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La sinodalidad, los grupos religiosos y la misión de la Iglesia.
Fase Continental en la Iglesia Latinoamérica y El Caribe: Un desafío está en abrir los espacios, poner los medios y generar formas para la participación efectiva de las mujeres en las instancias de discernimiento y [...]
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