Articles récents
(Video) Together in the same boat: A global lay response to Fratelli Tutti
On October 8th, we organized an online discussion on Pope Francis's new encyclical, Fratelli tutti with a dynamic panel of [...]
Le défi d’un christianisme incarné dans la vie quotidienne
La création d’un mouvement formé par des diplômés et des professionnels catholiques a été une idée poursuivie avec détermination [...]
Openness or protection: Miacs 2018
The globalization is profoundly disrupting our society. It calls into question some of our absolutes and the institutions that [...]
Message President Kevin Ahern to the Siiaec meeting
As many of you know, the themes addressed by your SIIAEC meeting in Warsaw are topics that our movement [...]
Tempo di profezia
Quello presente, per i credenti di ogni fede e soprattutto per le chiese europee e del mediterraneo, nonché del [...]
Seguidores, Eclesiales, Seculares
INTRODUCCIÓN 1. Incompetencia e itinerario No habéis tenido mucha suerte al designarme como orientador de este Retiro-Encuentro. El tema [...]
Specialized catholic action among youth
INTRODUCTION This document was Jointly prepared by the following throe international movements : International Young Christian Workers, International Movement [...]
Reflection on catholic action: some reference points
The initial ecclesiological insights of catholic action In 1916, Pope Pius XI created Catholic Action (CA) based on various, [...]
L’Azione cattolica a 50 anni dal Concilio VII, con Papa Francesco
La teologia del laicato è stata veramente decisiva nel Vaticano II, tanto per la sua presenza significativa nel capitolo [...]
Liberation theology rooted in the Bible
Liberation theology, which interprets the teachings of Christ in relation to liberation from unjust social, economic and political conditions, is [...]
Building a Culture of Dialogue
Culture is a way of life, which is influenced by one’s world view, environment, and upbringing. It progresses from enculturation [...]
Dialogue through Theatre
Recognizing that humans have a unique ability to take action in the world while simultaneously observing themselves in action, August [...]
A Perspective on Cultural Pluralism
One of the aspects of Human Rights is Cultural Rights. What is culture? In simple words, ‘culture is a [...]
Catholic professionnals at the margins
99TH COUNCIL OF PAX ROMANA ICMICA/MIIC 23/28 JUNE, 2014. The meeting was an occasion for the International Team and regional [...]
Catholic action : the missionary paradigm
I welcome all of you, who represent this beautiful ecclesial reality! (…). The theme of your Assembly “New people in [...]
Azione Cattolica: il paradigma missionario
dò il benvenuto a tutti voi, che rappresentate questa bella realtà ecclesiale! Saluto i partecipanti all’Assemblea nazionale, i presidenti [...]
Tempo di impegno nel mondo per i cristiani
Articolo del Santo Padre Benedetto XVI per il Financial Times “Rendi a Cesare ciò che è di Cesare e a [...]
A time for Christians to engage with the world
Article by the Holy Father Benedict XVI in the Financial Times “Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to [...]
Kreative Minderheit
Die Kirche als «kreative Minderheit”, “Charakter-Gemeinschaft” Die Rückkehr zum Christentum ist nicht möglich. auf alte Nostalgie verzichten Im Lichte des 2. [...]
Emerging theologians in Boston
From 9 to 11 March 2012 over sixty “emerging theologians” from twelve countries and six continents met at Boston [...]