Do not let the dynamism of the pope cover our inertia, because the resistance today comes from those who want to preserve the pastoral routine. Christians are called to a new way to be present in the public space. Crisis is not an excuse to take refuge in the private life. The challenge is to articulate the community differences, not to degenerate into indifference or intolerance, and to overcome rampant populism.

Mercy, central theme of the Pope, must meet with miseries, especially hopeless. It is not to offer emotional Gospel or a support without challenging the causes of poverty. This is a close encounter between misery and mercy, which can have extraordinary effects if we are ready for this regeneration of the Church as people of God.

We must get rid of inlays dictated by moralism, and restart from the basics. The Spirit leads us to a new attitude. Pope Francis calls us to a new spiritual stage based on generativity .

Provisional definition : ability to commit for the next generation.

From the MEIC congress Rome November 2013