- Based on experience
- With a universal (Catholic) view
- Oriented towards personal and social transformation (integral liberation)
- Transformation based on discernment
- This discernment happens in community

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(Video) Together in the same boat: A global lay response to Fratelli Tutti
On October 8th, we organized an online discussion on Pope Francis's new encyclical, Fratelli tutti with a dynamic panel of [...]
Le défi d’un christianisme incarné dans la vie quotidienne
La création d’un mouvement formé par des diplômés et des professionnels catholiques a été une idée poursuivie avec détermination [...]
Openness or protection: Miacs 2018
The globalization is profoundly disrupting our society. It calls into question some of our absolutes and the institutions that [...]
Message President Kevin Ahern to the Siiaec meeting
As many of you know, the themes addressed by your SIIAEC meeting in Warsaw are topics that our movement [...]