Inclusive and Communicative Action Network (ICAN)

Observe, Analyze, Act and Change
1. Introduction

Inclusive and Communicative Action Network (ICAN) – Nepal is a community-based social
movement consisting of intellectuals and students who constantly and steadily offer
themselves in continuous researches and action via experimental new techniques of
integral development. It is truly a non profitable and nongovernmental but a critical
charitable social movement, which stands as an agent of transformation of present society
into an idealistic state, hoping to create a world of justice, peace and joy in a universal

ICAN member as “BLESSED PEACEMAKERS” work for justice and fulfils the natural
obligation to bring individual and communal reconciliation. It believes in analytical debates
and realistic expediency of human rights standards striving for the universal consent.
Observe, Analyze, Act and Change is our motto to fight against the injustices that persists
in societies. Not self-compounded, ICAN works beyond caste, creed, ethnicity and
nationality. ICAN itself being the “light of the world and salt of the earth”, eagle eyed, sees
into the darkness of inhuman oppression and marginalization. It aims to bring fullness of
lives by taking away the bitterness. In-line with spirit of past liberators, we carry out action
through the pedagogy for the liberation of the poorest of the poor from the deepest
transgression of gross poverty and oppression.

2. Background

After being involved in an international students’ movement: International Movement of
Catholic Students; IMCS-Pax Romana for more than a decade, the university students from
Nepal graduated and as young professionals, grew in the spirit of local and global
solidarity, continued the discourse and action for the holistic transformation of society.
And after much reflection, consultation and analysis thus ICAN was formed in the year
2012 when Nepal was in great period of political transformation.

3. Vision

To invoke the dream and reality of an ideal society centered on human dignity.

4. Mission

To bring social transformation through intellectual and cultural pedagogy and

5. Goal and objectives

a. To prepare and sustain agents of social transformation by enhancing capacity of
youth and young professionals in the field of social justice.
b. To search and provide direction, consolation to the youth who are deviated from
the mainstream of social development and conscientize them.
c. To create and advocate mass awareness on human dignity, rights, duties and social
d. To promote inter communal and inter religious harmony, ecumenism and unity.
e. To advance sharing of ethical values and the care for needy people through charity
f. To support sustainable development and environmental conservation.

6. Guiding Principles

a. Dignity and Equal Rights for all.
b. Equal Participation for Common Good.
c. Justice and option for the Poorest of the Poor.
d. Sustainable Environmental Conservation.

7. Our Activities

A. Advocacy
I. Peace and Human Rights: Advocacy, networking, prevention and action for
liberation, legal support, reconciliation, income generation.
II. Human Dignity and Social Justice: Reconciliation, inter-personal peace, love
and compassion, inter-religious dialogue, communal harmony.
III. Capacity building: Training, exposure, workshops, campaigns and
B. Youth and Spirituality
I. Youth Initiation and Social affairs: Intellectual clubs, sports, music bands,
positive movement building, and volunteerism.
II. Spiritual exercise: Theological sessions, scripture sharing, meditation.
C. Environment
I. Environmental: Research, sustainable protection and conservation.
D. Charity
I. Charity: Care for the aged, rehabilitation centers, orphanages, drop-in/baby
care centers and academic institutions.
II. Livelihood supports: Income generation, seed money, cooperatives,
revolving funds, and community based products.

8. Memberships:

I. Founder Members
II. Executive Members
III. Central Members
IV. General Members
V. Special / life time Members

Documents: Constitution, Consent of core members, Requisition