• International Congress on Intercultural and Inter-religious Dialogue. New Challenges in A World Longing for A Peace (Bilbao, Spain, December 2005).
  • Exchange Program between China and East Asia: Human Development and the Role of Laity in China (Seoul and Andong in Korea and Beijing and Shanghai in China, October 2006).
  • European Conference “Which Europe?: Turkey as a case study” (Venice, 10-11 November 2006).
  • Formation: Intercultural/Inter-religious Internship Programme (2005-2007)
  • 60th Anniversary of Pax Romana ICMICA/MIIC: The Holy See: A face of Another Globalization (Rome 2007).
  • Regional Workshop on Intercultural and Inter-religious Dialogue in Africa (Ghana-2007, Burundi -2008).
  • Human Rights Internship Programme (twice a year since 1999-2009)
  • University Student Internship at UN (New York, 2006-2009).
  • Exchange Programme of Young Leaders in Africa and Europe (Madrid, Bilbao, Brussels 2007).