The globalization is profoundly disrupting our society. It calls into question some of our absolutes and the institutions that transmit them. It creates new types of relations, between countries and within countries because of migration. All this gives rise to hope or despair and radicalisation depending on the perspectives offered to people. This invites our movements to changes, conversions, to be able to assure our mission in this new context. We believe that concrete experiences play an essential role in this conversion process.

 Two examples.

After an experience of working with the Roma people, the Iycw wondered if this entered well into its mission in a working class environment. A reflection based on the intuitions of Fr. Cardijn made it possible to extend the understanding of the mission to other situations where human dignity is despised.
In response to a request for renewal from members, Miamsi organized a reflection with border residents on “existing in today’s world”. He invited other movements and other religions. To cross political, institutional and religious borders is new, it opens perspectives and also reveals blockages which are calls to conversion.

Consequences of these experiences.

Our movements have opened up to people we haven’t met much before. This redraws the boundaries between “us and others”. Our movements can offer experiences that (re)give meaning to life, thus offering a means of implementing one’s personal vocation.

Continue: celebration and chaplaincy of the movements.

The transformations mentioned are paths of conversion, of humanization. What does spiritual guidance mean in this case? How to celebrate them, how to find a liturgical expression nourished by these experiences and broadening their profound meaning?
How can we celebrate such an easy conversation when we are so different in terms of generations, backgrounds and cultures?

Continue with joint projects.

Our charisms and ways of working are different, for example more in the field with the Fimarc and more theoretical with the Miic. Can we imagine stronger cooperation, not as a joint Miac project, but through a contribution made by one Miac to the other’s project. For example, the Miic may need concrete experiences and Fimarc may be interested in a sociological analysis of its actions. Miamsi can spiritually accompany the Midade leaders and Midade nourish Miamsi’s reflection with children’s words.

Internal communication

The means used format the content, for example with short and little nuanced messages. New technologies can create tensions. We must think about the proper use of these means.