1 Back on recent history and analysis.

In June 2014, Pax Romana ICMICA meets PCL (Pontifical Council for Laity): it seemed open to new relationship. In October 2014, we ask to attend the conference organized in November. PCL replied that it was a special meeting for new communities, but proposed to do something special for us. In November, a first project was discussed with the PCL officer in charge of associations. But in January, final negative answer, they just want to meet us individually, under our request.

Conclusion: nothing has changed in the relationship compared to the recent past, but there were divergent views within the PCL. We stay in touch, but we don’t ask anything. For Maryse relations are better with other dicasteries and it is better be united.

2 Why work together? The purpose of the group.

Our movements are a proposal for Christians who want to live their baptismal responsibility in all areas of life. Because it starts from human realities and invites to listen to the Holy Spirit, it is particularly relevant today, when unhuman ideologies clash between themselves and lead to violence.

We therefore believe that we carry the future of the Church in this world in profound change. But we do not exchange enough among us. The common purpose of this group is to:

– To share the richness of human and spiritual experiences of our movements,

– To recognize and make known the fertility of communities based on it.

– To develop cooperation between us to strengthen our movements and expand our possibilities for action.

The challenge is an adult and responsible laity in the Church.

3 To do what?

– Working on common issues such as post 2015 targets.

– Develop our expansion capabilities by taking advantage of our presence in different countries.

– Supporting each other, enhance aspects of other movements

– To develop common strategies for funding. Being stronger in applications for financial support, make our funders more confident by showing that we work together.

– Be more present in international institutions with our limited resources, by sharing the responsibilities. A movement can represent the others.

– Develop our analytical capabilities by sharing our work. Increase their credibility by showing that they take into account the different social experiences of our movements.

Deepen the sense of “See Judge Act”. This is not just a method but the meaning of the Gospel and what it means to announce it in the 21st century. This is refounding our convictions while being faithful to the realities of today. The Midade gives an example of subjective right recognized as important by children: the right to choose his friends. This has an impact on interreligious dialogue. (Sri Lanka, Middle East). We have to be on breaking lines where people do not know each other, to establish deep relationships.

– Knowing better each other can be done by sharing experiences on how we implement the SJA approach.

– Involve the local level when organizing meetings. So our approach is an invitation for further cooperation at national and local level.

– Making our approaches more coherent, knowing the objectives of the others, for example integrating an issue related to children in issues related to rurality.

4 Timetable and program for the coming months

 Study Session in May

Paris Friday 22 evening – Sunday, May 24 noon. Main theme: the review of life.


Rediscover the profound meaning of review of life as the basis for a vision of the role of the laity in the Church and the world. How the practices invite to the global dimension?

How our mission is linked to this method. The practices may be different but the key is to show its contribution to the Church and society.

Not all the movements use SJA method. But the important thing is how is the encounter between the human realities and evangelical calls.


2 by movement + responsibles from CCFD CCIC.

Manager of each local movement.

Other : UMOF, MCR International.


– Concrete testimonials of review of life.

– Theological contribution

– Reflection on different practices in different environments and cultures. MIAMSI adds “celebrate” after SJA.

– Consequences for the mission


On the spot between Philippe, Michel, IYCS and IMCS, ACI / MIAMSI.

Accommodation: Amelie will see with JOC

Finance, every movement supports its members’ travel.

Movements having contributions on SJA are invited to communicate them before the meeting.

Translation: Mijarc has the equipment, but we must find volunteers for translation.

Mijarc organizing a seminar on these topics and invites us to participate.

Synod on the family. (October 2015 in Rome)

Pax Romana organized “presynods” before the synod on the Middle East and Africa. We could organize a study session in Rome before the opening of the Synod on the Family (Part Two), depending on the state of thinking about the family in the movements. The question is “have we something clever enough from the work of our movements?” (Example CCIC in May 2014. “The Family, Heritage of Humanity”.

Anniversary of P Cardijn

Invitation IYCW in a roundtable on November 13 in Brussels.

Program to set up in May.

Major conference in Rome in 2016.

Program proposed by Kevin.

Practical cooperation items.

Mutual information.

– A newsletter will be produced from the articles published on the websites of each of the international movements. For this, provide an RSS link on sites

– A Facebook page will coordinate existing Facebook pages (Nuno)

– Skype conferences: to organize when a movement is involved in a major event, such as a visit to the Vatican.

– Table of presence of movements in countries. Betina make a proposal based on the information sent by the movements.

Group Name

Currently called G8, we should find another name, possibly from another language. Everyone is invited to make proposals

Release of this report

Participants + CCIC Paris, CCIG Geneva, CIDSE, CCFD, PCL.

Everyone can disseminate in its network.